
Our Ambitions
- Developing the first climate risk resilience measurement tool accessible to all to accelerate adaptation
- Provide all the data necessary for a better understanding of the issues and the sizing of adaptation solutions based on the risk incurred
- Ensure global coverage at the finest granularity
- Propose all IPCC scenarios and all climate hazards to facilitate adaptation
- Relying on a multi-model approach to project the evolution of perils over time
- Provide a transparent, auditable response, compliant with regulatory expectations, based on certified data and a methodology validated by the scientific community
- Capitalizing on technology and science to deliver CPD at the lowest possible cost

- To date, scores exist but do not provide sufficiently actionable indicators allowing business leaders to design and implement adaptation strategies aimed at protecting the value of the company, its assets and its employees, and to communicate quantitative information.
- Furthermore, the imprecision regarding the characteristics of real estate assets as well as the opacity of the methodologies used lead to divergent and unreliable scores from one supplier to another.
- There is no equivalent to the Energy Performance Diagnosis to provide information on the vulnerability of goods and people to climate change and to provide information on the adaptation/remediation actions to be planned.

The Tardigrade AI Solution
- We have developed the Tardigrade Climate Performance Diagnostic (CPD) which informs all stakeholders about the resilience of a site by assessing its exposure to climate hazards.
- The Tardigrade DPC is aimed at all private and public stakeholders, businesses, individuals and communities.
- The Tardigrade DPC provides site managers (business leaders and local/territorial authority managers) with the ability to identify and classify real estate assets most exposed to physical climate risks.
- The Tardigrade DPC helps select adaptation actions and assess the investments needed to adapt and strengthen their resilience and that of their supply chains.

Scientific approach based on methods published and validated by the IPCC.
Certified source data used by the IPCC (Copernicus).
Geolocated hourly historical data.

Climate risk metrics used by the World Meteorological Organization and accounting (IFRS) and environmental (CSRD) regulations resulting from the work of the Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) created after COP 21.
Multi-model data projection approach and validated downscaling methods.
IPCC scenarios ( ) available: RCP2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5 ; compatibility with the reference warming trajectory for adaptation to climate change ( TRACC – )

A visualization of hazards through unique risk indicators :
- Anomaly measured annually between an observed or projected value and its normal value
- Probability of exceeding values compared to a standard
- Measuring the speed of acceleration of risk evolution

A representation of the average flood risk levels observed within a 100 metre, then 200 metre radius, around the site .

Global coverage to learn about the vulnerability of your real estate assets or those of your suppliers who contribute to the resilience of your supply chain .

The use of Artificial Intelligence to produce CSRD and IFRS reports as well as to build your operational and financial resilience strategy.