
We are on track to have the hottest year on record

We are on track to have the hottest year on record

🌡️2024 is on track to be the hottest year since records began. Discover Copernicus latest Climate Bulletin article: ❓What does this mean for your factories, offices, employee working conditions and...

We are on track to have the hottest year on record

🌡️2024 is on track to be the hottest year since records began. Discover Copernicus latest Climate Bulletin article: ❓What does this mean for your factories, offices, employee working conditions and...

Tardigrade AI rejoint le prestigieux Google Cloud Program

Tardigrade AI joins the prestigious Google Clou...

📣 Tardigrade AI, leader in Climate Performance Diagnostics is proud to announce its integration into the prestigious Google for Startups Cloud Program . As part of this partnership, Tardigrade AI...

Tardigrade AI joins the prestigious Google Clou...

📣 Tardigrade AI, leader in Climate Performance Diagnostics is proud to announce its integration into the prestigious Google for Startups Cloud Program . As part of this partnership, Tardigrade AI...

Comprendre comment adapter l’immobilier résidentiel et professionnel à la chaleur : la meilleure décision que vous pouvez prendre !

Understanding How to Heat-Adapt Residential and...

📝 New studies show that many homes, offices, and professional buildings are not adapted to the heat, and that the humanly bearable heat is lower than previously thought. The heat...

Understanding How to Heat-Adapt Residential and...

📝 New studies show that many homes, offices, and professional buildings are not adapted to the heat, and that the humanly bearable heat is lower than previously thought. The heat...

Risques d’inondation : pourquoi les diagnostics actuels ne suffisent plus à protéger vos entreprises et maisons ?

Flood risks: why are current diagnostics no lon...

📆 Since 2003, Property owners must provide their buyers and tenants with a report on the main dangerous phenomena (pollution, flooding, earthquakes, etc.) to which their property is exposed. Purchaser and Tenant...

Flood risks: why are current diagnostics no lon...

📆 Since 2003, Property owners must provide their buyers and tenants with a report on the main dangerous phenomena (pollution, flooding, earthquakes, etc.) to which their property is exposed. Purchaser and Tenant...

Un fournisseur vous manque et tout est arrêté, ou comment le Diagnostic de Performance Climatique renforce la résilience opérationnelle.

You miss a supplier and everything stops, or ho...

⛈️ During the weekend of June 29 and 30, a critical supplier suffered a climatic hazard, and its customers, Porsche, BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, found themselves at a standstill. Porsche announced...

You miss a supplier and everything stops, or ho...

⛈️ During the weekend of June 29 and 30, a critical supplier suffered a climatic hazard, and its customers, Porsche, BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, found themselves at a standstill. Porsche announced...

Gérer les conséquences de la chaleur en entreprise : l’importance d’utiliser les bonnes métriques

Managing the Impact of Heat in Business: The Im...

🌡️Last ​​week, many of us felt a lot of discomfort on terraces, in factories, offices, construction sites, and homes, to the point that any effort became painful, even dangerous. However,...

Managing the Impact of Heat in Business: The Im...

🌡️Last ​​week, many of us felt a lot of discomfort on terraces, in factories, offices, construction sites, and homes, to the point that any effort became painful, even dangerous. However,...